Wilbur - Smoked Porter

Smoked Beer

WARNING: The description is not Vegetarian
or Vegan friendly. But the beer very much is.
The beer is made in appreciation of Wilbur the
pig, bought up on dairy solids on a farm in the
Wairarapa. He met his end, while eating an
apple, by a city slicker in suede shoes and
skinny jeans. He was then swiftly butchered,
and soon became all sorts of delicious things
including bacon and ribs. If you don’t eat meat
that's all good; we understand. But, if you do,
we think you should know where it comes from
and be comfortable with it! Wilbur had a great
life, right until the last second. This beer, with
its flavour of bacon and bonfire, is made to
remember the deliciousness Wilbur gave us.
Brewed with Best Malz Beechwood smoked
malt, Maris Otter, Chocolate and Caramel
malts to bring you a smoky, roasty, chocolatey
porter that will be great to pair with dark rich
meats or mushrooms and maybe a good
gouda (for those vegos out there).
If you are in Auckland, it will go well with most
of the menu at Churly’s Brewpub and Eatery.


Silver Medal at Brewers Guild of New Zealand Beer Awards in 2021

Wilbur - Smoked Porter

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